Tuesday 10 July 2012

You don't think...... No, not possible Babies 18 & 19 part 3/3

Authors note:

Ok so, I probably lost some readers. Chances are they died of shock. I'm very sorry.
For this post, we start right before Jed walks in, but this time, its in Becks P.O.V
Love you guys

*this post has a serious lack of pictures!! sorry about that!*


Becks P.O.V

Its a good thing this house has sound proof walls, or else everyone in Sunsetvalley would have heard Aimee's scream

"Calm down!! I'll get it out, your not going to die. Go over and sit on the lounger so I can take a better look."

Aimee lay on the lounger and I sat on top of her, holding her head in one hand and holding open her eye with two fingers of my other hand. I leaned in real close, to get a better look at her eye.

"You sure you can do this?" Aimee was extremely nervous considering she only had a small piece of dirt in her eye"

"Anything for you BBG"

I pried open Amiee's eye and managed to get the piece of dirt out
Aimee let out a sigh of relief.

"Thanks so much Becks! I feel so much better now!"

"No problem, girl!"

Aimee playfully shoved me

"Love you!"

I shoved her back

"Love you too"

as I was climbing off of Amiee's lap, I heard a door close lightly.
"Did you hear that Aimee?"
"Yeah, vampire remember? it was probably just nothing"


Jeds P.O.V

I waited until Aimee left to really start freaking out
"Holy crap, holy crap, holy crap"

How am I supposed to look at Becks now, without seeing her kissing Aimee.
I was pacing the room with my hands on my head.

I did the only thing I was capable of doing when I was freaking out.
I pressed 1 on speed dial and called Eliza.

"Jed? what the hell! its 6am, whats wrong? I just left your house for gods sake! You could have talked to me then! what is your problem dangit!!!"

"I...um.... is Darwin at work?"


"Im coming over"


I hung up the phone and ran out to the truck.

Becks P.O.V

I was just walking out of my room when I heard the truck pull out of the driveway.
I went to run downstairs but got stopped in my tracks by labor pains

I went to the nursery and gave birth to twin boys


and Alex

Now where did Jed go??


  1. Hahaha I can't believe Becks was only getting dirt out of Aimee's eye *breathes sigh of relief*

    The twins are ADORABLE! <3

    Jed is still hilarious! I wonder how he'll react when he learns what REALLY happened lol

    Great post! Loved it!

    1. Jed ALWAYS overreacts, and sometimes faints, when things go wrong XD
      its very amusing, the next chapter includes Eliza slapping some sense into him :D

      the twins are cuter than expected :3 might be the new baby skin LOL

      glad you loved it!!

  2. Oh my gosh, it was just a peace of dirt. DIRT! Jed just please come back. If only he knew it was just a peace of dirt!!

    Great great chapter Becks. :D

  3. Oh my goodness I'm so relieved. I loved Aimee's facial expression to the dirt in her eye. It made me laugh. :D Haha, and Jed, poor guy. I hope he figures out the truth soon. That'd be a weird reason to break up for.

    ~Calista Smith

  4. Awe Andrew and Alex...Love the names. Ugh I feel so tied in knots over this. Can't wait to see what happens next.

